报告题目:Liquids Interfacial Catalysis and Photocatalysis with New Protocols
时间:2025-01-03 13:30:
Abstract: Catalysis plays a critical role in molecular transformation and chemical processing. In the past few years: (1) We have developed catalytic processes at the liquid-liquid interfaces in emulsion system to restrain the reaction paths, demonstrating higher atomic efficiency and better selectivity compared to conventional heterogenous/homogenous counterparts [1-3]. (2) Solar energy is more sustainable than any other energy source. We used the photocatalysis technique for hydrogenation reactions with water as the proton source, instead of traditional hydrogen gas or organic molecules [4-5].
[1]. J. Am. Chem. Soc. 2017, 139, 6026
[2]. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2018, 57, 14857
[3]. Chem. Commun. 2020,56, 8059-8062
[4]. ACS Catal. 2020, 10, 9227
[5]. ACS Catal. 2022, 12, 164
讲座人简介:许景三,澳大利亚昆士兰科技大学终身教授。2008年在吉林大学获得材料物理学士学位,2013年于中科院上海硅酸盐研究所获得博士学位。2013-2016年在德国马普学会胶体与界面研究所进行博士后工作。2016年获得澳大利亚Discovery Early Career Researcher Award(DECRA) 资助,开展独立研究工作。2021年晋升为正教授。研究兴趣集中在太阳能燃料制备、材料胶体与界面、光电材料与器件等领域。以第一作者或通讯作者在著名期刊Nature Communications, Journal of American Chemical Society, Angewandte Chemie International Edition, Advanced Materials, ACS Catalysis, Advanced Functional Materials, Advanced Energy Materials及Advanced Optical Materials等发表文章100余篇。H因子45,文章引用超过10000余次。